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Click on variation image not selecting variation

Hi dear,
I’m having a little problem with this plugin, we cannot select variations becouse click on variation image is not working.

Please can you check here: https://www.esteticadeluxe.it/prodotto/shiny-lips-gloss-essential/
Try select other variation

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Giuseppe,

Could you update your free and premium version of the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin?

The current version of swatches plugins is the following.

Variation Swatches for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.1.13

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro – Version 1.1.13

Please make sure you are using the same version and let me know your reported issue has been fixed or not in this latest update?

Thank You

I have

Variation Swatches for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.1.14


WooCommerce Variation Swatches – Pro – Version 1.0.9

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