Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Ticket Number #75386


Sorry for the response not on the ticket, however the ticket is no longer in my ticket box.

Please refer to this ticket number for my response.


There are multiple items that are having this issue, but to give you an example, when on the website please go to the following.


All the items on this page are single color items.  You will notice that the “color bubbles” are showing the item for sale.  🙂


Please let me know if you should need anything else.


Thank you so much for all the help.

Golam Kibria

Hi Michelle,

I am closing your old ticket and let’s continue with this one.

Thanks a lot for sharing the details.

I have changed the settings. Now they appear like this.

Let me know if this is okay for you.

Thank You

Thank you SOOOOOOOO  much this fixed this issue.  :O)

Question, when this was first installed a few years ago, there wasn’t the capability to add a color option to an item with no options for color other than the item listed.

With the new up date is this possible now?  – I haven’t tested it yet.

Thanks for all the help and fixing the settings.

Golam Kibria

Hi Michelle,

I am sorry that I did not understand your query properly.

What I have understood is if you can customize the attributes to a color attribute. We have an option in the product edit section to convert the attributes to your desired one.

Let me know if this is what you have asked for. Otherwise, will you please explain your query a little?

Thank You

Hi Golam,

Sorry for just now getting back to you.

To explain the query more.

When an item doesn’t have any color options other than the one being sold, this plug in doesn’t allow you to add a color to just the one item.

example would be items on the new arrival page.  There are some sweatshirts that come in grey, but because there are not other colors to sell, it will not allow me to add a bubble for just one color.  Or does it? – and I just don’t know how to do so.


Another issue I have noticed, is that only on desk top.

When you select the color bubbles, it doesn’t change the item to the color selected.


Issue all around.

The size bubbles are all out of order.  They are not viewing xs, s, m, l, xl, 2xl…..etc. instead they are viewing out of order.

you can view this under new arrivals.

Some items are in order, others are not.


I believe that is all I have noticed so far since the update.


Thanks for all your help.

Golam Kibria

Hi Michelle,

I am sorry for the inconvenience. I have visited your site and found that you have not updated your plugins.

Will you please update the plugins to their latest version.

Do you have Skype, please share your ID here with us. We can resolve all the issues in a quick conversation.

BTW, you can add a single color without any issue.

Thank You

Hi goals,


That would be amazing to be able to do a zoom call.  That would answer a lot of my questions by seeing it. 🙂


I am available in the evenings at 6:30 pm eastern time.

Please let me know if that works.


Thanks so much


Golam Kibria

Hi Michelle,

We can also share screens on Skype and it is much easier to connect on Skype.

In case, you do not have Skype or feel comfortable with it we can go for Zoom or Google Meet.

Let me know your thoughts thank you.

Thank You

Hi Golam,

I apologize for the long delay.  I would be able to zoom if we could, to walk me through the edits of the bubbles.  When is your next availability?  Thank you so much.



Golam Kibria

Hi Michelle,

I am here for the next few hours. Please let me know if you are available.

Please try this link to connect with me on Skype, you don’t need an account, it should allow you to continue with a guest account.

Once we connect, we can switch to Zoom if necessary.

Thank You

Hi Golam,

I know it has been awhile.  I would still like to try and connect if possible to show me how to properly set up the swatches.

I have had other things to set up and fix, and this was the last on my list.

What is your availability like to connect?

Thanks so much.


Golam Kibria

Hi Michelle,

Thanks a lot for getting back. This Skype link is still valid.

Please give me a knock when you are available.

We are mostly available during UTC 3:00 am – 3:00 pm.

Thank you.