Hello Evelyn Dudra,
I have just bought variation swatches but was not given a license key.
You’re supposed to get your license key in this page after doing login to our website: https://getwooplugins.com/my-account/downloads/
Do i need to deactivate the free one before downloading the pro?
You have to keep both plugins (free & pro) together.
In addition ,I want some features of my free version settings to remain will it be possible.
Yes, everything will remain same. No worries.
issue with variations
Evelyn Dudra
Hi ,
I have just bought variation swatches but was not given a license key.
I have downloaded but website was showing so many stuff so has deactivated the pro version.
Do i need to deactivate the free one before downloading the pro?
In addition ,I want some features of my free version settings to remain will it be possible.
please advice.
many thanks.