Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

plugin not working properly

Gaurav Priya

Hi Support,

I purchased paid version of plugin

Variation Swatches For WooCommerce.

I installed, added domain and added license key on plugin backend but it is still not working properly. It showing continues loader (https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/32588693?key=b5bc28beee93f94f2da354c9d8507d0c) of product listing page and detail pages.

My website url :- https://nrg-phoenix.com.au/doree/



Hakik Zaman

Hi Gaurav,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please kindly do a plugin compatibility check by doing these steps to identify the error :

=> Deactivate all of your additional plugins except the WooCommerce and WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin.

=> See if the problem persists. If the problem is resolved, you can tell which plugin might be the culprit of this error by activating your additional plugins one by one.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Gaurav,

We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Could you send us the latest version of the theme that you are using on your site? We’ll try to investigate your issue installing your theme on our local setup.

You can upload the theme file to Dropbox or Google Drive and send the download link here directly.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you

Gaurav Priya

Hi Hakik,

I Created a similar product on your setup and its not showing continue loader/curser.


My wordpress is fresh and I activate the default twenty twenty two theme but its stilling showing continues “curser : wait”.

Please help me on this issue. It only started when I added paid version the extension.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Gaurav,

If it is not happening on our staging site, it can be a file missing issue during updating plugins and WordPress Core.

Please reinstall WordPress- https://prnt.sc/v8uPmJ7nWgKr and WooCommerce (download WooCommerce and manually install the WooCommerce again) or your site. Do the same for Variation Swatches also like WooCommerce.

BTW, I have visited your site and swatches are loading normally- https://www.loom.com/share/d1e760d1bf6543778a58b5b048887d22

Please also try to update PHP on your server- https://prnt.sc/UDqLtvyqtG9B

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Gaurav,

Didn’t change anything just updated the free version of the Swatches plugin to 2.0.10.

Please try to use the updated plugin. Because we release updates to minimize the errors we found.

Thank You