Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Gallery not appearing Avada theme

Imre Verbunt

Hi there,

I was searching for a solution to add Images to products with variations, so I found the Getwoo plugin but now it seems its adding a complete Image gallery to the shop. And im not sure this is what we want. Our webshop is still in development mode (maintenance plugin) and we now see that the image gallery from our Avada theme is conflicting with the GetWoo plugin. So wondering if this can be solved? With the GetWoo plugins disabled everything works fine. The plugins are still disabled but you can enable them for testing.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Imre,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Can you please help us to reproduce your issue?

I have tried to reproduce but unfortunately couldn’t. Login Credentials-


username: admin

password: demo

Note: I have added the necessary plugin and theme.

It will help us to check it from our side and our development team can run several tests there.

Thanks in advance for your co-operation.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hakik Zaman

Hi Imre,

Can you please check now?

Before checking don’t forget to clear your cache (browser cache + caching plugin cache + server-side cache).

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Imre Verbunt

HI there, i see its working now but my gallery looks different then with the GetWoo plugin activated.


This is how it looks normally


Now it looks like this

Hakik Zaman

Hi Imre,

Did you attach any screenshots? We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Please use Lightshot App and post the screenshot link directly here.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Imre,

Please check our documentation.

I hope you can solve it by yourself.

If you are still facing issues, please let me know.

Thank You

Imre Verbunt

Okay managed to set the product gallery ok in size. Only problem i see now is that the thumbnails look more fuzzy then with the default Avada gallery set.



Hakik Zaman

Hi Imre,

Glad to know it was helpful for you.

Can you please give me a screenshot?

It will help me to understand your issue.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Imre,

Did you try this option?

Please follow the instruction by increasing the value and regenerating shop thumbnails.

If you are still facing issues, please let me know.

Thank You

Imre Verbunt

HI there, that did the trick 🙂 Thank you.

Imre Verbunt

Sorry but again things dont work as they should. see screenvideo https://www.dropbox.com/t/qwA7mTlxjuhKVmQf

1) When click another color variation you see the preload is smaller image then final loaded image, looks very strange
2) When the main page https://movibrace.devshop.dev/product/kinesiology-tape-professional/ is loaded the thumbails are on 1 line. But when click a color then the 4th thumbnail jumps to the next line.

Overal im not 100% happy yet with the plugin. Think its because the plugin adds to much features and i actually only needed the option to add extra images to variable products.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Imre,

Can you please check now? I have adjusted some settings and added a few lines of CSS.

Please check this screencast and let me know your thought.

Thank You

Imre Verbunt

Hi there,

Thanks works ok now.

Have a nice day

