Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Technical problem

Giovanni R

Hi, I have installed the plug in in my e-commerce.
It worked fine until I entered product stocks.
It has started to give problems in the choice of colors, it does not blur the variants that are not available. 
I ask you for a hand to understand the problem and be able to solve it. I am sending you the accesses to my wordpress. 


Golam Kibria

Hi Giovanni,

I have adjusted your settings.

Will you please check now?

Let me know if the problem is resolved.

Thank You

Giovanni R

Hi Golam,
I checked but unfortunately the problem persists. I wanted to ask you,
if I installed the pro version do I have to keep that base?


Golam Kibria

Hi Giovanni,

Yes, the basic plugin is required.

Will you please share a product page link here?

Thank You

Giovanni R

Hi Golam,
right now i have technical problems

Giovanni R

Can I ask you if you can quit word press?
so I solve the problem for a moment thanks

Giovanni R

Hi Golam

thanks a lot! now works! you have been really helpful.



Golam Kibria

Hi Giovanni,

Please check now.

You had a duplicate swatches plugin on your site: WooSwatches – Woocommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches

I have deactivated it.

Please check if everything is okay now.

Thank You

Giovanni R

Hi Golam
I checked and it works, but I had the possibility to view the color variants
before entering the product page. But now it is no longer available.


Golam Kibria

Hi Giovanni,

Were the color variants showing on archive pages?

Sorry that I am not clear about your query.

Thank You

Giovanni R

Hi Golam
No I understand the problem.
thank you very much for helping

We can close the ticket


Golam Kibria

Hi Giovanni,

You are welcome.

Please do not forget to share a review.

Thank You