Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Quantity disappear

Pietro Jori

Hi, I have a problem after having installed Variation Swatches Pro on the shop page of my site.

As you can see in this page https://www.cosmetrica.com/cosmetici-personalizzati/

the variable products now have the variation swatches but the quantity selector just disappear! I don’t know how to put it back.

Also if I choose a color the image doesn’t change and I can’t add the item to the chart

How can I solve this?

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hello Pietro,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

the variable products now have the variation swatches but the quantity selector just disappear!

Could you please temporarily disable our swatches plugin? Then check quantity selector is visible or not. Check on this page- https://www.cosmetrica.com/categoria-prodotto/creme-viso/ after deactivating the swatch.

As you can see in this page https://www.cosmetrica.com/cosmetici-personalizzati/

The quantity field is visible here even with the swatches plugin enabled.

Also if I choose a color the image doesn’t change and I can’t add the item to the chart

Please check now, now the image will change and you can cart them.
