Hi Thibaut,
Will you please check now? Image 1 | Image 2
The price is changing properly.
Please check and confirm.
BTW, please update the swatches plugins to the latest version.
Thank You
Hi Thibaut,
Will you please check now? Image 1 | Image 2
The price is changing properly.
Please check and confirm.
BTW, please update the swatches plugins to the latest version.
Thank You
Hello Golam,
Thanks for your reply !
It seems to be working. But there is a tuning problem since all variations appear even when setting ” Default image type attribute ”.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Thibaut,
I think enabling the catalog mode will be perfect for you.
If you have any questions or query please let me know.
Thank You
Hello Golam,
When I activate “Show Single Attribute taxonomies on archive page”, the price doesn’t change in home page (same problem as the message).
Could you check the issue please ?
And if it’s ok on stagging website, thanks to tell me how applicate the solution in the prod website.
Hi Thibaut,
Unfortunately, the special attribute only changes the images of the variations.
The price does not change and the Add to Cart button is also not displayed with the catalog mode.
I would suggest trying the Linkable Attribute option.
You may find it helpful.
Thank You
Bug in loop product
Thibaut Fontaine
I have an issue on the home page in loop.
When I click on variation the price doesn’t change (you can see the image in attached files)
Thanks in advance,