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Variations on catalog break with jet smart filters

Hello GetWooPlugins,
If you can visit https://autodealerstickers.testwpabc.nl/alle-autodealerstickers/ and click on the color swatches below the first three products (except “test product”) then you’ll see the product change. If you then select something from the “categorieën” in the left sidebar, then un-select that, the swatches will break. Here’s a video example of the problem: https://www.loom.com/share/8893fdeaae4f4669bf8e510958a20aec.
I’ve first asked Crocoblock about the issue, but they told me that it’s related to this plugin. I’ve added their response below here, would you happen to know how to fix this without their temporary solution?

Hi Reno!
The problem exists in applying filters by AJAX. If you apply filters by page reloading, everything is going to work well. The reason of this issue is in the plugin for swatches. Thus, we recommend you to ask them for help. They definitely are going to give you a solution.
We can provide you with a snippet, which may help you to solve this problem partially:
jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){
$( document ).on( ‘jet-filter-content-rendered’, function() {
$( ‘.variations_form’ ).each( function() {
$( this ).wc_variation_form();
But images of swatches won’t be shown correctly anyway. Sorry, but this is the functionality of the Variation Swatches for WooCommerce – Pro plugin. 

Kind regards,

Reclame ABC
Reno Danen

Hakik Zaman

Hello etienne de zoete,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I have tried to access your site by using your provided login credentials.

Unfortunately, credentials are not working. Please check this screenshot.

Could you please check the credentials again? So that, I can access the admin panel temporarily.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hello Hakik,


I see, it somehow didn’t save when I tried to create that account.

It’s been made now and you should be able to use it.

My apologies for the inconvinience.

Hello Hakik,

Looks like that problem is solved, thank you very much for the fast fix!

I did notice another problem, if you pick one of the colors on the category page and hit “optie selecteren” (select options), you’ll be sent to the specific product page but the selected color won’t be applied.

Is that something I have to enable in the backend somewhere or is it bugged?

Hakik Zaman

Hello etienne de zoete,

Glad to know your first problem is solved.

you’ll be sent to the specific product page but the selected color won’t be applied.

For this feature you need to configure it from Swatches > Special Attributes > Catalog mode > Catalog Mode Display Event > Select  on hover’ > Then enable Linkable Attribute and hit the button Save Changes.

Note: Please keep in mind to achieve selected color on a single product page, you have to use Catalog Mode Display Event: ‘on hover’

Please let me know, it is resolved your issue or not. If it helps and found my support helpful, my humble request to you to write your beautiful thought here:


Your beautiful thought keeps us inspired.


Hello Hakik,

That worked perfectly! Thank you very much for the clear explanation.

I’ll write a review as soon as we’re done with the development of the store, that way we’ve experienced everything.


Kind regards,
Reclame ABC
Reno Danen.