Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Not showing cross for Single Variations (provided by another plugin)


This may be a tricky one, but I’m out of options so I’m requesting some help.

I have your great plugin installed because I need variation swatches in shop, archive + product pages too. But in my store, some of the variations are shown as single products (even though they’re really variations of one product) with an external plugin called WooCommerce Show Single Variations On Shop & Category Plugin by codeincept (codecanyon.net).

The problem is, when some variation is out of stock, a cross appears inside the single product page, but NOT on the shop page where it is listed as a single variation. I think it will be more clear with images (I’ve written some small explanations of what you’re seeing):



I am aware that this may be out of the scope of this support because it involves another plugin, but if you could at least point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it a lot.

Thank you.

I have discovered that all of the swatches on the SHOP page for every single variation product have the class “disabled” attached to them. I would like them to be disabled only if they are out of stock, and style the cross accordingly afterwards.

I hope this info adds up to the solution, if any.

Thanks again.

Tanvirul Haque

HiĀ Marina,

Thanks for reaching us. We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Could you check this https://prnt.sc/1tay6ov I can’t access your admin area.

Thank you


I’ll have to add your IP to the whitelist because my hosting blocks every access intent from countries outside Spain by default. My bad, I didn’t know that until a few minutes ago.

Please provide your IP so I can add it (I don’t know if there is a Private Messaging function in this ticketing system, or you need my email to do that).

Alternatively, I can add your country to the whitelist, and see if it works.

The login credentials are correct as I tested it just now.

Thank you again and sorry for the inconvenience.

Tanvirul Haque

Hola Marina,

We are from Bangladesh and our IP is


Thank you Tanvirul. I’ve just added Bangladesh to the permitted countries list (sorry again about that weird policy from my hosting). Could you kindly please try again to log in?

Gracias šŸ™‚

Hi again,

Sorry for all the hassle. I’ve re-checked with my hosting and it seems to be fine now (I’m not sure I saved the changes when adding Bangladesh to the list). Yellow means it was not originally in the list but it should be allowed now.

Link to screenshot https://ibb.co/D59GR3K

Again, apologies for the inconvenient system and I hope we can sort this out.


Tanvirul Haque

Hola Marina,

I have seen you are using lots of back-dated plugins https://prnt.sc/1um4ynx could you please update those to the latest version and also your WordPress version https://prnt.sc/1um513v


Hola Tanvirul,

Following your input, I’ve updated all of the plugins, themes and translations (one plugin -Convert Pro- couldn’t be updated because of expired license from my client, but I don’t think it’s related to this ticket), and WordPress itself.

The problem is still happening. Curious thing I’ve just noticed: in the Single Product as variation page, in the “Related Products” zone, crosses work as expected (out of stock colors+sizes get crossed out, in-stock items don’t). But not in the collection page. There, every variation swatch has the class “disabled” attached to it, and I don’t know why.

Please take a look now that everything’s up to date.



Tanvirul Haque

Hola Marina,

The problem is still happening. Curious thing Iā€™ve just noticed: in theĀ Single Product as variationĀ page, in the ā€œRelated Productsā€ zone, crosses work as expected (out of stock colors+sizes get crossed out, in-stock items donā€™t). But not in theĀ collectionĀ page.

On the collection (Shop) page variations are showing as a single product, but those are actually not the real products, each product is a variation itself. So you have to disable the swatches for the shop page. And on the Related Products section swatches are working as expected because those products are not as like shop page single variation as a single product.

I hope you can now understand.
