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Product Attribute Attribute Swatch import

Andrew Fife

My Client has the pro version of your Variation Swatch for Woo.

They are changing their attributes from Global to product attributes due to an outside system being responsible for the attributes and products.

How can I export the Global settings and reimport them as product attributes?- I do not want to have configure 200+ products with 10 Swatche each, some repetitive. Even if you can just let me know where your store your product attributes, I can write a script to import.


Kind regards




Golam Kibria

Hi Andrew,

We have support for the default import/export of WooCommerce. You can use this option to export the product settings.

Where the plugin saves data:
Settings are saved on wp option
Product data is saved on post meta.
Term data is saved on term meta.

I hope this will be helpful.

Thank You