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color swathers import from csv

Tibor Fock

Dear Sirs,

I hope you can help me 🙂

I would like to import from .csv file all variations that we have. I using for import this plugin –> https://www.webtoffee.com/product/product-import-export-woocommerce/

I uploaded the variations working very well but I have a problem with the color swatches. I would like to use an image that equal the paint color. I can only do it by manual setup in swatches settings that are taking a lot of time.

Can you send me the sample .csv how can I import them easily where I can setup the “product image” and the “color swatch image”?

Best regards,

Golam Kibria

Hi Tibor,

Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available. ​But it’s a great idea.

Will you please add your feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/
and ask others to upvote it.

Thank You