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Variation swatches sizing and layout

sarah larysz

I own swatches pro. When I use images, they cut off, no matter how I resize them, it does not work. I have tried entering exact ratios, even changing the standard sizes, to no avail. Also, they are falling vertical rather than horizontal like they used to. Take a look here:  https://designinghere.com/K9/product/three-of-diamonds/.  It also gets wonky on the main product page. (look at the 3, I am trying to get one right before I do the others. The plugin seems to be corrupted in some way. How can we fix this?excample of product page.PNG

Hakik Zaman

Hello sarah,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Could please explain a bit more on this point “When I use images, they cut off, no matter how I resize them, it does not work”

Could you please confirm you have enabled this option?

Hope to hear from you soon.


sarah larysz

I managed to fix that by editing the overall thumbnail settings for wp.

This other problem is more pressing:

See how the layout is all screwy? You also can’t edit the size of the thumbnails to exact dimensions. Also, if you look in the variations, all three have an image attached, but only two are showing.

Hakik Zaman

Hi sarah,

Glad to know you have resolved that issue.

Could you please confirm you have enabled this option?

I have tried with your login details but I couldn’t access your site.

Could you please check your login credentials again?

Hope to hear from you soon!

sarah larysz

I have tried with that option both enables and turned off. Thats not It.

sarah larysz

One more thing… When swatches is turned on it messes up the Woo Product add on plugin. It hides several of the feilds under a “see more” which shows as a pop up for some reason. Woo product works without it on, but swatches doesn’t work either way.

Hakik Zaman

Hello sarah,

Thanks for sharing your login details.

Also, if you look in the variations, all three have an image attached, but only two are showing.

You have chosen Position 3 two times. The first one should be Position 1. Please check now, it will display 3 variations.

See how the layout is all screwy?

You didn’t enable swatch CSS.

You also can’t edit the size of the thumbnails to exact dimensions

Swatches sizes are displaying as you adjusted.

It hides several of the feilds under a “see more” which shows as a pop up for some reason.

I didn’t find any difference after disabling our plugin.
