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Speed Issues & JS error in slider on theme woodmart

Hello good afternoon, I open this thread because I bought the plugin to use it in our e-commerce with the woodmart theme, the site is under development but I see that when I activate the Pro version of the plugin the performance of the site decreases considerably and on the home page the slider does not load. This error appears on the console.

Uncaught TypeError: owl.owlCarousel is not a function
at HTMLDocument. <anonymous> ((index): 1054)
at e (jquery.min.js? ver = 3.5.1: 2)
at t (jquery.min.js? ver = 3.5.1: 2)

Tanvirul Haque

Hello Federico,

Could you please update your WordPress to the latest version and WooCommerce database? https://prnt.sc/1qhg9t1
