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Crosses don´t appear on out of stock products

Hi, Maybe you can help me with this that I think is a bug. Variation Swatches V 1.1.17

Problem is:

When I turn on clickable out of stock, crosses don’t always appear on out of stock products.


clickable out of stockl.jpg

This image below is ok, since it is selected THE ONLY product in stock, 1.50m and white color
Crosses are ALL RIGHT

only variation in stock.jpg


But if I select next size attribute 1.20 + white color,  materials attribute shows without crosses
Should show all crosses on materials since there is not available.

crosses missing.jpg


On the opposite, 1.50m + another material (marble) has all crosses missing in size.

crosses missing2.jpg

and last when I select 2 attributes out of stock, all out of stock products should show crosses except the ones wich are available 1,50 + white

crosses missing3 - all.jpg


I tried using ajax threshold without success.




Thank you



Hakik Zaman

Hello emiliano stefanach,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Sorry for your inconvenience. Please disable this option for now.

We are aware of this issue. Hopefully, in an upcoming version, this issue will be fixed.

Till then please be patient.

Thanks in advance for your patience.