Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Variation images migration taking so long

Refat Aitta


Website is aiething.co.uk

I am using your additional variation plugin, and have been migrating the data from the previous variation image pluging. It is more than a day now and migration didn’t happen yet. Is this normal?



Refat Aitta

Thanks for the reply,

I am using ”variation images gallery for woocommerce”

I will stick to one variation swatches plugin, just need to find which one I have been using to deavtivate the other one.

Waiting your feedback

Golam Kibria

Hi Refat,

Thank you for confirming. We do not have support for the highlighted plugin yet.

Let me run some tests and get back to you.

Please be patient.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Refat,

Hope you are doing great.

We are working on a custom solution for you.

I went to your site and found that you have removed our plugin from your dashboard.

Have you changed your mind?

One more thing, it appears that you have added multiple variation images for your variations but with our basic version there is a limit.

You can only add two images per variation with the basic version of Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce.

Let me know your thoughts.

Thank You