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Disabled attribute will be hide / blur

Niva Donga

What if we don’t want to hide, blur or cross the attribute values that are not selected? I mean we need to traverse and deselect all the attribute values in that particular variation to select another value again.

Golam Kibria

Hi Niva,

Will you please try unchecking this option?

Let me know if this solves your problem.

Thank You

Niva Donga

Hi Golam,

I think you did not understand the issue!

I am talking about the swatches woo variation plugin that has the functionality to hide, blur, or cross the attributes other than the selected one. You can refer to this Screenshot!

So this functionality has these 3 options but what if we don’t want to apply any of these functions and keep the other attribute values as it is?

Golam Kibria

Hi Niva,

Did you try unchecking this option?

Those options of our swatches plugin are controlled from there for the basic version of the plugin.

If you have further confusion, please let me know.

Also, share your Skype ID here and we can clarify everything with a quick call.

Thank You

Niva Donga

Hi Golam,

The option you have been pointing out was never checked at the first place on my website.  And this option is for maintaining stock, but what I am talking about is attributes. It has nothing to do with the stock. It will be shown no matter what the stock of the product is.

I think you are not getting what I am trying to say. We can have a call over skype, this is my skype id: live:.cid.63528d945febc1ca

Golam Kibria

Hi Niva,

Sorry for the inconvenience. I have sent you an invitation on Skype.

BTW, I was referring to that option because it has an effect on the attribute behavior.

Here is a video I made for you: https://www.loom.com/share/29cc55df75f94741acc1463fe6e862ef

Thank You

Niva Donga

Hi Golam,

What you are saying takes effect when a particular product attribute is out of stock. But what I am trying to say is suppose I select an attribute (let’s say in the above video) color: red and red is available in only small and large sizes, so on selecting color red, the color green and blue hides and variations pertaining to red are available i.e. size: small and large appears. What if I don’t want to hide the other attributes values (blue, green color)?  But on selecting colors only those sizes appear which are available for a particular color.


Note: By available I don’t mean Out of Stock, it means available by company conditions!

Golam Kibria

Hi Niva,

Will you please give it a try with our plugin deactivated?

Does this work with WooCommerce?

Thank You