Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

link for variations on the store’s page

Hello! 🙂
In the plugin options I found an option to show the url for a given variety, but this happens after selecting it on the product page.
Is there an option to add an url for a change on the store’s website? An example:
I have several products on the website, each of them has several colors that work with swatches, if I change the color, I want the url to change to the product and after clicking on the product, it immediately directs to the selected color variation on the product page.

Is it possible?


Hakik Zaman

Hello Rafał Olejarz,

Thanks for reaching to us. Could please check this documentation?

I think you need something like this.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Hi yes i created a new ticket. Sorry, I didn’t see she was off Fridays, we can continue here.
In the link from you there is info about changing variations, etc., that’s not what I meant.
Currently, on the page with all products (archive page), I have sweatches turned on, when I change the colors, the photo also changes and that’s great. However, I would like the url of the product to the product page to change after changing the color and at the same time, so that I would be directed immediately to the products card with the color that I marked on the archive.
Currently, I also have a product url on the archive to page
<a href=”the_permalink()”;?>

but that points to the product regardless of the selected color in the archives.
Do you understand what I mean? 🙂

Hakik Zaman

Hello Rafał,

Again sorry for our late response.

Please let me know, if you need something like this.

From Archive/Shop page, if you click on a specific variation then it will be selected on single product page also.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Yes, that’s exactly what 🙂
Only in this video the variety change is hover, I would like the click variety. And only after clicking on a product, e.g. a photo, it takes me to the product page with the selected (clicked) variety.
Is it possible?

And my second question, is there an option that after going to the product or archive page, the first variety was selected by default?

I will add to this my first question about clicking on a given attribute that I will have two attributes and only after selecting two I would like to have a link to the product.


this is what it looks like, I choose a color and choose a size – then if I click on the picture of the product it will redirect me to the product page with the selected variations.

Linkable AttributeNEW

 Keep attribute variation selected on product page after clicking from catalog page

I see that there is such an option but it doesn’t work, and I don’t see any documentation for it either

Hakik Zaman

Hello Rafał,

Unfortunately, this feature is only available with hover event.

You have to go to Swatches > Special Attributes > Catalog Mode and setup as you want.


Hakik Zaman

Hello Rafał,

This feature was made for displaying one attribute instead of multiple.

If you need two attribute for special attribute section. Unfortunately, it is not available. You can add this as feature request here.

There are two types of setting. Global settings and product level settings.

You can show different attribute from product level settings.

For more please visit here.


OK thank you for the information
and is there an option to maneuver only one attribute and the other to be non-clickable?
Just like in my attached photo
I only change the color, and the second attribute, the size, is shown if it is available but it is not clickable and the color does not depend on it.

Hakik Zaman

Hello Rafał,

It will depend how you configured your variation combination.

For example-

Color: Red Size: M

Color: Blue Size: M

Color: Blue Size: L

If you create like above variation combination. Size L will be displayed but non-clickable for Red. But when you click on Blue size L will be clickable.

I hope I could clear your confusion.


Hakik Zaman

Hello Rafał,

Is there anything else I can do for you?

If not, can I close this ticket?


I have one more question:

I would like to set the first attribute as a color and the second as a dimension in the form such as the attribute, i.e. dimension, e.g. 150,345 etc. (screen 1)

The problem is that if I have several colors and one dimension (screen no. 2), this dimension is shown as a photo instead of a number (screen 3). I have a different photo for each color variation.

I noticed that I can set it up by entering a specific product ‘swatches settings’ and change ‘default dropdowons to image type’ to ‘No’ there. The problem is that we have about 1000 products that have one dimension and many colors, I would have to go into each of them and change this option ??? (screen 4)
Maybe there is some other global setting

It correctly shows in the option when I have more than one dimension attribute added, e.g. 3827,

I think I found a solution, it was probably about deviating it in the global settings?

Hakik Zaman

Hello Rafał,

There are two options and if you unchecked them our plugin will not convert them to button or image.

Unless you make attributes to button / image.

Hope it will clear your confusion.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Rafał,

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