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Variation Swatches Aren’t Clickable

Caitlin Picou

I have the pro and basic version. I have all my images and everything set up properly. But a customer cannot select any image to add to cart. It just isn’t clickable. I keep having to turn it off, but I need this plugin. Please advise

Hakik Zaman

Hi Caitlin,

Thanks for reaching to us.

Could you update your free and premium version of the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin?

The current version of swatches plugins is the following.

Variation Swatches for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.1.17

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro – Version 1.1.17

Please make sure you are using the same version and let me know your reported issue has been fixed or not in this latest update?

Thank You

Caitlin Picou

They are additional variation swatches 1.2.26 and 1.2.6 is there a different plugin I’m needing?

Hakik Zaman

Hello Caitlin,

Sorry for the inconvenience. You said Swatches are not clickable. You are using our swatches plugin and they are not up to date. Please check here.

The current version of swatches plugins is the following.

Variation Swatches for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.1.17

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro – Version 1.1.17

And the current version of Additional Variation Gallery Plugin is following.

Additional Variation Gallery for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.2.6

Additional Variation Gallery for WooCommerce Pro – Version 1.2.6

Please update them and let me know your reported issue has been fixed or not in this latest update?


Caitlin Picou

Correct but I don’t have a plugin called variation swatches just additional variation swatches.

Hakik Zaman

Hello Caitlin Picou,

Please login to your dashboard and go to plugin page and update the following plugins-

The current version of swatches plugins is the following.

Variation Swatches for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.1.17

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro – Version 1.1.17

And the current version of Additional Variation Gallery Plugin is following.

Additional Variation Gallery for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.2.6

Additional Variation Gallery for WooCommerce Pro – Version 1.2.6

You are using above plugins and search in plugin page you will get them and then update them.


Caitlin Picou

I think I accidentally made a double purchase on something. It doesn’t show where to update the variation swatches for WooCommerce Pro anywhere. So i deactivated it and now it is working. Can you check if I just made a new purchase on something I already had? Order #92604. 

Caitlin Picou

Nevermind I have it working! Thank you for your help. You can close.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Caitlin,

We really get excited & honored when you use our plugin in your site. You are using our both Swatch & Gallery Plugin.

If you found my support helpful, could you please leave your valuable review for swatch and gallery.

Your rating keeps us inspired.

Thank You