Hi Graffiti,
Will you please if you have the latest versions of our plugins installed on your site?
The latest versions are:
Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce – 1.2.6
Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce – 1.2.6
Also, please give us temporary admin access to your site? We’ll try to investigate the issue for you.
You can add new users by going to Users > Add New set the user and password for us, set the role to admin and set the info here.
And add your site URL, login username, and password in the site login area. Follow this guideline: https://www.useloom.com/share/27c1f2ac633c4060b2da883d946107d7
Hope to hear from you soon!
WordPress Critical Error
Graffiti Films Sp. z o.o.
Hi, my clients website is suffering from “WordPress critical errors” at loading both the site and wp-admin.
I can’t access the plugin options also because that error.
The email for the admin (sent by WP) says:
Błąd typu E_ERROR został spowodowany w linii 6 pliku /home/daickxjmnm/domains/durabo.eu/public_html/pl/wp-content/plugins/woo-variation-gallery-pro/includes/hooks.php. Komunikat błędu: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wvg_array_insert_before() in /home/daickxjmnm/domains/durabo.eu/public_html/pl/wp-content/plugins/woo-variation-gallery-pro/includes/hooks.php:6
I don’t wanna share the credidentials, just tell me what to do 🙂