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Product Variation Images don’t show when changing selection

Michelle Lehr


I have had the Additional Variation Images Gallery installed for some time and it used to work but I have recently noticed that images don’t change when I change the selection anymore. They disappear. It looks like the thumbnails are going over the top of where the image displays perhaps.

I think it is a conflict with my theme. I am using a child-theme of “Malmo” by Elated Themes. If I change it to “Twenty Twenty-One” leaving all of the plugins active it works ok but if use the “Malmo” theme or the child version it has the same issue. I have some custom code in my css also and tried removing that but had the same issues. I am guessing it stopped working when an update came through or I changed some code sometime in the last few months (I only just noticed it was an issue).

Eg Product where I have gallery items with the issue (https://www.michellelehr.com.au/product/landscape-print-brooklyn-bridge/). If you select Metal Print and size 16″x24″ you can see the issue. I am still setting up a lot of other products so this problem doesn’t occur yet on other items.

Another one is https://www.michellelehr.com.au/product/headshot-personal-branding-session/.

I have provided admin access for you to look at it.

Thanks in advance for your help,



Hakik Zaman

Hello Michelle Lehr,

Thanks for reaching to us. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Could you send us the latest version of the theme that you are using on your site. We’ll try to investigate your issue installing your theme on our local setup.

You can upload the theme file in Dropbox or Google drive and send the download link here directly.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hello Michelle Lehr,

Really thanks for sharing your theme. We have installed and checked the theme on our local machine.

Your theme has the issue, it overwrite some basic behavior of WooCommerce. If you deactivate our plugin and change any variation from single product page. You can see the images are not changing depending on variations.

So, I have added the below code to your child theme’s functions.php

function malmo_wvg_support(){
remove_filter( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html', 'moments_qodef_woocommerce_single_add_pretty_photo_for_images', 10, 2 );

add_action('wp', 'malmo_wvg_support');

Hopefully, your images will not disappear anymore 🙂.

If you found my support helpful, my humble request to you to provide your beautiful thought here. It will make us inspired.

Thank You

Michelle Lehr

Thank you so so much. I looked everywhere on google for a solution. You’re a legend! Works perfectly now. 🙂


Hakik Zaman

Hello Michelle Lehr,

Thanks for your complement.

If you found my support helpful, my humble request to you to provide your beautiful thought here. It will make us inspired.

By the way, stay safe and take care of your family. Hopefully, Covid-19 outbreak will end up soon.


Michelle Lehr

Hi Hakik,

The next day I opened my website I noticed the product description now sits under the Images and the variations run vertical under the main image rather than horizontal. It was all ok when I first responded to this ticket but changed soon after. Would this be another conflict with my theme? Once again, it works ok with the theme turned to Twenty Twenty-One.

I also noticed if I turn this plugin off, it is ok (but obviously the variations don’t show). I have not deactivated the login as yet.

Can you please take a look?





Hakik Zaman

Hello Michelle,

Really sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please check your login credentials again? I have tried but couldn’t access the site with the previous credentials.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Michelle Lehr

Hi Hakik,

My apologies. I restored some items from a backup and it must have removed this user account. I have recreated it so it should work now.



Hakik Zaman

Hello Michelle,

Unfortunately, I couldn’t access the site. I have tried but it is saying this.

Could you please check it again?


Michelle Lehr

Hi Hakik,


I am so sorry. For some reason it didn’t accept the password when I created the account. Have changed it now to same as I advised you. Seems to be working now. Let me know how you go.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Michelle,

Could you please check now? Some CSS from theme is overwriting plugin CSS.

That’s why it was not showing correctly. I have added below CSS here

Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS 

.woo-variation-product-gallery {
display: inline-block;
float: left;

.woo-variation-gallery-wrapper .woo-variation-gallery-thumbnail-slider {
display: flex;

Please let me know, is it resolved or not.


Michelle Lehr

Thank you so much. It is fixed again now. I really appreciate your help with this. You are a champion.

Have a great day!


Hakik Zaman

Hi Michelle,

Glad to know, your issue is resolved.

Thanks for your complement.

Is there anything I can help with?

If not, can I close this ticket? 🙂

Thank You

Michelle Lehr

Hopefully that is all for now. 🙂

Yes you can close the ticket.

