Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Button displaying as Unordered List

Conor Walsh

Screenshot 2021-07-02 114906.pngHi,

I have just activted the free version of your plugin on a test site I am creating for a user. When I activate, the attributes change from a dropdown select to an unordered list with bullet points, it is like the CSS isn’t being loaded. I have attached an image. I have cleared cache to see if that was causing the issue. Is their some stlying I have to add to my style.css file to get it to work? I am expierenced with CSS so can add some custom styling if required.

I have a few sites that I would purchase the pro version for if I can get the free version working.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Conor Walsh,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please kindly do a plugin compatibility check by doing these steps to identify the error :

=> Deactivate all of your additional plugins except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin.

=> See if the problem persists. If the problem resolved, you can tell which plugin might be the culprit of this error by activating your additional plugins one by one.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you

Conor Walsh


I have tried what you suggested and I still get the same error. I have tried some other similar plugins and they work as expected, it is strange!

Any other ideas on how I can get yours to work?


Hakik Zaman

Hello Conor Walsh,

Your theme is not coded as per WordPress coding standard. There was missing the body_class in body tag and we push our CSS to body_class. This is the reason of showing unordered list. Therefore I have added below code-

functions.php =>
add_filter( 'body_class', 'additional_class_support' );
function additional_class_support( $classes ) {
if (is_front_page()) {
$classes[] = 'home';
else {
$classes[] = 'not-home';
return $classes;

header.php => 

<body <?php body_class( ); ?> >

Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS =>

.woocommerce nav {
background-color: transparent;
margin-bottom: 0;
width: auto;
float: right;
margin-right: 0;
display: block;

Please check your site now. Your problem is resolved. Really thanks, you wanted to use our plugin.

We really get excited & honored when you use our plugin in your site.

If you found my support helpful, could you please leave your valuable review here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woo-variation-swatches/reviews/?filter=5

Your rating keeps us inspired.

By the way, stay safe and take care of your family. Hopefully, Covid-19 outbreak will end up soon.


Conor Walsh

Thanks for your help. I see it is working now! One thing is that the out of stock variations don’t show with a cross or ‘X’. How can I enable this setting?

Hakik Zaman

Hello Conor,

I am feeling great that I could resolve your issue. Please check now your blur and cross is working, I have made the below settings-

i) Swatches > Advance > Attribute Behavior and selected Blur with cross.

ii) WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory and checked the Out of stock visibility option.

If you found my support helpful, It is my humble request to you to provide your beautiful thought here.

By the way, stay safe and take care of your family. Hopefully, Covid-19 outbreak will end up soon.
