Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

decor labs


on the product page under the main image,  the selected image thumbnail should be positioned first . Currently It is positioned third.

Please view uploaded image.

thumbnail order.PNG

product page : https://aveandgrace.co.uk/product/9-seater-rattan-corner-sofa-dining-set/

Note: We are not able to provide admin access to our site.

Please provide instructions on how to fix and I can do it from my end .


Hakik Zaman

Hello decor labs,

Thanks for reaching to us. If you are not using a CHILD THEME, please create and activated a CHILD THEME first (must create a child theme of your current theme). If you have already a CHILD THEME then follow the below instruction.

Then put the below code to your CHILD THEME’s functions.php

if ( class_exists( 'Woo_Variation_Gallery' ) ):
function wvg_serialize_support(){
$columns = absint( get_option( 'woo_variation_gallery_thumbnails_columns', apply_filters( 'woo_variation_gallery_default_thumbnails_columns', 4 ) ) );
$thumbnail_js_options = array(
'slidesToShow' => $columns,
'slidesToScroll' => $columns,
'focusOnSelect' => true,
// 'dots'=>true,
'arrows' => wc_string_to_bool( get_option( 'woo_variation_gallery_thumbnail_arrow', 'yes' ) ),
'asNavFor' => '.woo-variation-gallery-slider',
'centerMode' => false,
'infinite' => true,
'centerPadding' => '0px',
'rtl' => is_rtl(),
'prevArrow' => '<i class="wvg-thumbnail-prev-arrow dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2"></i>',
'nextArrow' => '<i class="wvg-thumbnail-next-arrow dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2"></i>',
'responsive' => array(
'breakpoint' => 768,
'settings' => array(
'vertical' => false
), array(
'breakpoint' => 480,
'settings' => array(
'vertical' => false
return $thumbnail_js_options;
add_filter('woo_variation_gallery_thumbnail_slider_js_options', 'wvg_serialize_support');

After doing that don’t forget to hit the Update File button. Before checking the preview please clear your browser and caching plugin (if yo have any).

Then please check and let me know is it resolved your issue or not.


decor labs

Thanks you very much for such fast service.


appreciate it .

Hakik Zaman

Hi decor,

Glad that we could resolve your issue. You are using both of our Swatches and Gallery plugin.

We really get excited & honored when you use our plugin in your site.

If you liked our plugin and found my support helpful, could you please leave your valuable review here and here.

Your rating keeps us inspired.

Thank You