Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin


after activating the premium plugin my website loads very very slow (about 30 sec to load pages where are products with variation swatches activated).

Here you can see the problem:


On the other pages, where aren’t any product, the page load is normal. (like https://www2.parentini.com/parentini/).

Please answer this mail to andrea@16dee.com

Let me know how to solve the issue,

Hi Tanvirul,

i don’t need to speed up my website, i need to solve the problem causated by your plugin to the page where i see the variations: if i disable the plugin, the website speed it’s ok but, when activating again the plugin, on the homepage and on the category pages, the load times are very long. Is there an update or something else to do?

Let me know,

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Edoardo,

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Here is the developer of this plugin. Could you add him here on your Skype? His Skype email address is: eshaanfaysal@gmail.com

Please add him and say hi with your ticket ID. He is waiting for you there to quickly squash your issue.


Tanvirul Haque

Ok, please take your time.


Hi Tanvirul,

i send a message to Ahmed Ehsaan (Faysal). Is the right person?

Tanvirul Haque

Yes, he is the right person.



we still having the same problem and nothing is changed from 2 months. How can we do to solve the speed issue?

We’re developing the website on a siteground server at this link: https://16deev.it/

Check this and, from menu, try to navigate “UOMO -> MAGLIE” and check the load time (from chrome and safari average load time when variations are activated on archive page are about 25/30 secs even on a faster siteground server).

Let me know,

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Edoardo,

Thanks for reaching us. We are working on version 2.0 to optimize the plugin performance more better than now. Hopefully, we can release the next update within the next month.

Thank you

Hi Tanvirul,

ok, but i need to activate the “variations on archive page” option right now and i can’t wait to the next month until the new update. Is it possible to understand why the loading time are so slow? We’re talking about 25-30 seconds to load an archive page with only 4/5 products.

Let me know,

Tanvirul Haque

Is it possible to understand why the loading time are so slow?

It actually depends on the server where you hosted your site.

Hi Tanvirul,

after 5 months i can’t use the variations on archive/shop page because, when i activate the functionality, the website slow down (23 seconds to load a page). If i deactivate the functionality, the same page loads in 3,5 seconds.

I don’t know how to solve this, i’ve already update both the free and pro plugin but nothing changed.

I really need this feature on my website, is there a way to get it works?