Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Issue on Internet Explorer

There seems to be a problem when using Internet explorer on the shop archive page. Get an IE error message saying “<website> is not responding”.


Issue went away after disabling Variation Swatches.

Also, issue went away after reducing number of items loaded on the page – we were loading about 80 items, but reduced it to 12 and IE was able to manage ok.

Log file showed all 80 items were loaded before page stopped responding.

Seems like a JS issue?

Have similar too much memory usage problem when viewing page in WP Customiser.

Hakik Zaman

Hello William Thorpe,

Thanks for reaching to us. <website> is not responding occurs when browser couldn’t load webpage. Sometimes it can be happened when your browser is not up to date. Please try to update your browser.

Also, issue went away after reducing number of items loaded on the page – we were loading about 80 items, but reduced it to 12 and IE was able to manage ok.

When you have activated Swatches on archive page, we suggest to keep maximum 20 items for first load. Because when you keep 80 items on first load it finds each variation to display. It will definitely take time to response and it also can be a reason.

Therefore, please keep 20 items on first load and then you can use this plugin to load more products on scroll.

By the way, stay safe and take care of your family. Hopefully, Covid-19 outbreak will end up soon.
