Is it because I don’t have to pro version of the plugin ?
if ( $this->is_pro_active() ) {
// Register
wp_register_script( ‘woo-variation-swatches’, $this->assets_uri( “/js/frontend{$suffix}.js” ), array(
), $this->version(), ! $is_defer );
I saw someone saying this 👇🏽 :
I found a partial fix (v 1.1.17) by editing the free plugin file, woo-variation-swatches.php around line 362.
There is an IF statement with a comment saying “If defer enable…” but the IF statement is actually just checking if the pro version is active – I suspect this is the bug. My temporary fix was to comment out that whole first block of the IF statement and just use the wp_enqueue_script in the ELSE block.
Part of the issue is wp_localize_script won’t register the handle woo-variation-swatches as it hasn’t been set yet.
I still have a minor issue on archive pages which I’ll work through but it at least works on the product pages now. Hopefully they can fix this before their next version otherwise any fix will need to be applied again.
Impossible to click the variations both on the shop and the single product
I am facing an issue with my website.
I can’t click on the variations to add a product in the cart.
I have deactivated the plugins one by one to see what might cause that but I can’t seem to find.
Could you please help ? My site is still on production.
Best regards !