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Long Load Times

Randy R

Within the last week, after some core updates to WordPress and WooCommerce, this plugin is causing my product pages to load very, very slow. It is taking 10s to load the product page. Without the plugin installed it take 1.2s. This is a major problem that I need addressed.

Randy R

In order to increase site speed, I unchecked “Auto Dropdowns to Button”. I manually certain Attributes to type button, it is not converting to buttons. This seems to be another issue.

Randy R

Hello, I am on the latest version. Disabling Auto Dropdowns to Button has tremendously increased site speed but I am not encountering another issue.

Manually setting an attribute to Button does not convert the attribute to a button
Changing an attribute from type Select to type Image does not work. I have upload images for this specific attribute but it still displays as a dropdown on frontend of site.

Randy R

Also, you should be able to log in now with the temp admin credentials.