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Product / gallery image issue – linked product image showing

The gallery image is showing an image in the Up Sells / Linked products when you select a variation product as the Linked Product. Systematically enabling and disabling plugins and switching to base Storefront theme etc I have narrowed down the bug to come from your Variation Swatches plugin. We have the Pro version – license key as per entered above.

To illustrate an example see this link on a dev site copy of the site :



You will see quickly initially the correct image is shown – but then suddenly it gets replaced with an image from one of the items right at the bottom under “You may also like …”

It appears this issue only comes up when the Linked Product > Upsell is a variation of a variable product. If the main variable product is chosen then the image/gallery shown is correct, but when you select a variation of a variable product in the Upsells – then this variation image shows in the product gallery as the first / main image.


Hakik Zaman

Hello Margaret Agustin,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have reported this issue to the development team. They are working on this issue.

Please be patient. I will let you know, once I get a response from them

Thanks again for your patience.