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Ajax update not working on frontend

Andreas Eder

Hi, I have just bought and installed the Pro version. Everything is up to date. I am using Elementor and JetWooBuilder from Crocoblock. The thing is, that the Ajax updates on click for variations work perfectly on backend with Elementor pagebuilder, but it doesn’t work correctly on frontend (single product). The issue is that it doesn’t update styles and information on frontend when I click a combination of variations. It does with the first click though but not with the following changes. What can be the reason for this? I disabled all caching and minify plugins already but doesn’t make a difference. Regards, Andy

Ahmed Ehsaan

Hi Andreas,

Please follow the official video by JetWooBuilder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHj7T9jm6RA

Or please check this guideline: https://www.loom.com/share/96e49f5ff69942b3b54d327c4d185bc3

And Implement this code: https://gist.github.com/ahmedeshaan/28852324145d7b83770cfba6880a2f0a

and check this video to classes: https://www.loom.com/share/d52d41b05ba24656bea184f0bc0cbf0a
.wvs-pro-product, .jet-woo-products__item
And please ask your JetWooBuilder author to include this fix in their plugin.

Thank you

Andreas Eder

Hi, Ahmed

Thanks for your prompt reply. Unfortunately, that is not the problem I’m facing. My issue is that the Ajax selections do not work on single product pages. Works great in archive/shop but on single pages it only takes the first click but no further selections. So if I click white it changes the frame and stuff on the button, but if I click a further one like a size nothing is happening related to the style. It selects the correct combination in the background what I can see since it changes the prize and infos. Works fine in backend though. Do you have any idea why this could be?



Andreas Eder

Hi, Ahmed

the problem is solved. It was a js conflict with an image gallery in related products. Thanks for your support, really appreciate it.

