HI Glenn,
Could you check here: https://prnt.sc/12yt3u4
and disable this option. Hopefully, this will work.
Thank You
HI Glenn,
Could you check here: https://prnt.sc/12yt3u4
and disable this option. Hopefully, this will work.
Thank You
Hi Ahmed,
Many thanks for your reply. I already disabled this, but still showing up. When I enable it, then I see the swatches two times. Any idea how to fix it?
Looking forward receving your reply.
Hi Ahmed,
I have just enabled this function and as you acn see on the picture below, it now shows up twice.
Any idea how to fix this?
Many thanks in advance!
Hello Glenn Triepels,
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Your are using Porto Theme. It has an option to show swatch. To disable swatch you can find an option in our plugin setting page and for your theme please check below-
Appearance > Theme Options > WooCommerce > Product Archives > Show Color / Image swatch
and Press NO
and Save Change
Hopefully it will help. Please let me know, is it resolved your issue or not.
Hello Hakik,
Many thanks! It worked! 🙂
Wishing you a great day!
Hi Glenn,
We are glad that your issue is resolved.
We really get excited & honored when you use our plugin in your site.
If you found my support helpful, could you please leave your valuable review here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woo-variation-swatches/reviews/?filter=5
Your rating keeps us inspired.
Thank You
Disable swatches on shopping page of all producs
Glenn Triepels
Dear sir/madam,
I hope you are doing fine. Could you please help me? As you can see in the image that I have attached the swatches are visible at the product page of all products. I do not want this. Could you let me know how to disable it?