Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Luca vingiani

Hi There, how can I achieve the same dynamic /look and feel with your plugin similar to this for variations display https://www.valentino.com/en-us/loafers_cod2307389542854042.html#dept=US_Shoes_M


Please be aware that our product page looks exactly the same but I’m struggling to make the product image switch when another attribute is selected like in the image


Tanvirul Haque

Hi Luca,

Unfortunately, this https://prnt.sc/12u514d feature is not currently available.

I’m struggling to make the product image switch when another attribute is selected like in the image

Changing image is not feature of our plugin, is the feature of WooCommerce itself. Could you disable our swatches plugin and check is it working without our plugin or not?

Thank you