Hi Luděk,
Will you please check now?
I have updated the selectors for you.
Let me know if the issue is resolved.
Thank You
Hi Luděk,
Will you please check now?
I have updated the selectors for you.
Let me know if the issue is resolved.
Thank You
Hi Golam,
You added “.wp-post-image”, right?
The issue is resolved, thank you.
Hi Luděk,
No, I added the .wvs-attachment-image. It was already supposed to the there.
Anyway, it is good to hear that the issue is resolved.
Can I close the ticket now?
Thank You
Hi Golam,
Strange, I never changed this setting.
However, I additionally added .attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail to make it working also at a page with the jetsmart filters.
Yes, you can close the ticket. Thank you for your support.
Hi Luděk,
We really get excited & honored when you use our plugin on your site.
If you found my support helpful, could you leave your valuable review here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woo-variation-swatches/reviews/?filter=5
Your rating keeps us inspired.
Thank You
Variation preview not changing on archive page
Luděk Černý
switching variations on archive page is not working after last update of the plugin.