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Variations Showing as Out of Stock Even if they are in stock

Even though the product variations are in stock, only one default variation is showing as in Stock. Rest of the options are getting disabled and I am not able to click on them: https://pinklemonade.us/product-category/throw-blankets/

Hakik Zaman

Hello Punit Bhandari,

You are using WPC Show Single Variations for WooCommerce with Swatches. The thing is when you activate this pluginit displays each variation as a simple/single product and one after another.

So, in our latest release we include a feature to show swatch to match the title of product. You can use this setting to hide the other swatches which is not matched with product title.

If you need every swatch to display with different product title. It is a feature request. You can put your request here. You can also upvote this because already here is a request like yours.

Our senior developers are active there and let you know about the update of this feature.
