Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Attribute Links Not transmitting Correctly to Twitter or Hootsuite

Lisa Sandberg

We have purchased the Pro Version of this plugin and yet, we are still having the same issues transmitting to Twitter a Color Attribute on a product page.


We do see the attribute URL, which goes to the correct page on a browser, but not when it is transmitted to Twitter or Hootsuite.


This is why we purchased the Pro Version.  It works right in WordPress, WooCommerce and on any Internet Browser.  However, our whole reason to use this plugin is to have one product page with multiple colors that we can transmit out to our followers.


Thank you!


Tanvirul Haque

Hi Lisa,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please kindly do a plugin compatibility check by doing these steps to identify the error :

=> Deactivate all of your additional plugins except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin.

=> See if the problem persists. If the issue is resolved, you can tell which plugin might be the culprit of this error by activating your additional plugins one by one.

If the plugin conflict check doesn’t help, please record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to figure out the issue quickly and squash it immediately.

And don’t forget to add your site login details in the site login details area. I’ll check what’s happening there.

You can add new users by going to Users > Add New set the user and password for us, set the role to admin, and set the info here.

And add your site URL, login username, and password in the site login area. Follow this guideline: https://www.useloom.com/share/27c1f2ac633c4060b2da883d946107d7

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you

Lisa Sandberg

What I notice is that the variation swatch links that do work on the page and Internet browsers, do not translate to social media, which is what I thought this setting would fix.

When adding the link to social media, it goes to the Main Product Image within WooCommerce which is embedded within WordPress that defaults to the Main Product Image.

This is the only setting to click on and I have followed the other instructions to change the type to images.

               Generate Attribute Variation Link (Advanced) Back To Top

WooCommerce don’t provide option to generate link for variation. In this plugin we’ve added this feature first time. It allows to generate link for your selected variation and send the variation link to your to your custom for quick purchase.

Frontend Preview

Video Tutorial
Step 01: Plugin Installation
It’s the premium feature WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin. Make sure you have WooCommerce Variation Swatches Pro plugin besides the free version.
Live Demo
Upgrade to Premium Version
Step 02: Configure Option
To enable the settings header to Advanced Tab from Swatches Settings. And check Generate Variation URL setting. After that Save Settings.

Enlarge Special Attribute In Product Page

These are the limited instructions, which I have done.

Thank you!

Lisa Sandberg

I have also created a login for you guys on our website.

Plugins we purchased:

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce – Pro

The link below should get you to the admin login page to enter your user name and password.


User Login:  VariationSwatches
Password:  swatchvariat

Thank you!

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Lisa Sandberg,

I have not found any reproduce video here, could you record me reproducing your issue using tool like this? https://www.useloom.com

Also, could you copy the generated shareable URL then disable our swatches plugin and check is it working without our plugin or not?

Thank you

Lisa Sandberg

I have attached three images and hopefully they go through.  The first is the main page on the web showing the main product art.  The second image shows the color image with the pa attribute link, so that is excellent.  The third image is where we have the problem.  If I post the pa attribute link from image 2, it shows the main art that you see on image 1.  Hopefully this helps and the actual product tested is the Brow Highlighter.


Tanvirul Haque

Hello Lisa Sandberg,

Sorry I have not found any image here, could you reupload the images using this tool https://prnt.sc/ and share the uploaded link here. Also, share the recorded loom video link directly here.


Lisa Sandberg

The Video is not playing and I do not see any files or documents.

Ii appears I do not have access to watch the video.

What will I be checking, settings or the plugin working properly?


Tanvirul Haque

Hi Lisa,

Sorry, I have not sent you any video. I can not view your given video from Loom, your loom video is limited access. Here is the screenshot https://prnt.sc/13aufpo and asked me to send you a request to access the video. I have sent you a request from this email [email protected] please check and approve me.


Lisa Sandberg

I copied the link of my video on loom to grant the email [email protected] access.  Since I am new to loom I am not sure if you will get it, so check your email to see if you get my video from loom.


Tanvirul Haque

Hi Lisa,

I have seen your loom video. could you add me here on Skype for quick communication?

Here is my Skype ID: shovon.haque2 Please add me and say hi. I am waiting for you there to quickly squash your issue.


Lisa Sandberg

Hi Tanvirul,

We no longer use Skype, so unfortunately we can not do a video call.  We are also in the Chicagoland area, so it seems your morning is our nighttime.


We did setup a User name and Password that you could use to access our website to look at our settings.  If you let us know when you want to get on the site, we can be off of it.

User Name: VariationSwatches

Password: swatchvariat


We only use this for the makeup with multiple color shades, so there is only one product page per makeup with variant color shades to choose from when purchasing.

Thank you!


Tanvirul Haque

Hello Lisa Sandberg,

First of all, let me clear one thing to you, attribute URL is the default mechanism of WooCommerce, they kept hide the attribute URL and we just showing.

If the first thing clear to you then I suggest to you, copy the attribute URL then deactivate the swatches plugin then again try to visit the copied attribute URL, you will see it’s working on your browser. Swatches plugin is now deactivated so now you can understand it’s directly related to WooCommerce itself.

So I am suggesting you contact with the WooCommerce support team, hope they can help you on this.


Lisa Sandberg

I also know it works on any Internet browsers.

The Social Media feature has not been working properly with the URL on any Social Media platform, mainly Twitter.

The link itself works fine on any other platform, but it does not add the media image of each color variant, in which the URL is added to Social Media.  The image is either blank or showing the default image.

This is a function within the plugin, which is why we paid for the lifetime version.

I will see what I may have missed.

Thank  you!




Tanvirul Haque

Hi Lisa,

Here is the developer of this plugin, Could you add him here on Skype?

His Skype email address is: [email protected]

Please add him and say hi. He is waiting for you there to quickly squash your issue.


Lisa Sandberg

Hi Tanvirul,

I have installed Skype back onto my computer.  I have sent a contact request to this email eshaanfaysal@gmail.  My Skype name is Healthy Skin with an email of [email protected].

I am in the US Central Time Zone, so if there is a good time for him to reach me, can we set that time up soon?  Maybe tonight around 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm Central Time?

Thank you!


Tanvirul Haque

Ok, have you found him on your skype? You may also found him using this username eshaan20112 on skype, add him and ask your preferable time then he will reach you.


Lisa Sandberg

Ahmed Eshaan (Faysal) did accept my Skype invitation the other day and I sent him a message via Skype late at night (your morning), but I have not heard back from him, so we have not yet connected.

The USA has a holiday on Monday, May31, so I may not be able to get on  Skype, late at night, until June 1, 2021 or your June 2, 2021.

We would really like to get this resolved soon or find another solution to be able to send Tweets with Variation Swatch images that are the right colors for each product color variance.

Thank you!


Ahmed Ehsaan

HI Lisa,

What is your skype ID?

Thank You

Lisa Sandberg

Since we could not connect via Skype a few days ago, I have sent a PDF with Screenshots and descriptions of the problem to this email: [email protected].  Hopefully you receive it.

Thank you!


Lisa Sandberg

I have forwarded an email I received from Hootsuite’s technical support to your email [email protected]. It seems that both WooCommerce and Hootsuite say that we have to have metatags on our site for Social Media.  I have tags in the products, but I don’t recall an area to enter metatags on the plugin that allows for Social Media sharing.  The email also has a contact of someone within Hootsuite if you need to reach out to them.

I have another appointment in the morning, but will be back tomorrow afternoon.  If I find anything that could fix our problem, I will let you know, but this is getting beyond my expertise.


Thank you!
