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Lost Text On Image Tooltip

Alan Slater


We have updated to the latest version 1.1.15 but now on the image tooltips we have lost the text as now the image covers the text name at the bottom, you can see the issue here Cavo semi-choke Dog choker – Pickles Pets & Here Trixie Premium Dog h-Harness – Pickles Pets just hover over the colours.

All was working fine before the update


Hakik Zaman

Hi Alan,

Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please paste the below code here Appearance > Customizer > Additional CSS and Press Publish Button.

.wvs-has-image-tooltip:before {
height: calc(var(--tooltip-height) + 23px);

Please let me know is it resolved your issue or not.

Hope to hear from you soon!