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Long JavaScript execution time with swatches on archive page

Bartek K

I have problem with loading time of website when I have active swatches on archive page. Google PageSpeed and GTMetrix show me very long execution first JavaScript file (about 30 s). On subpages without archive products website works fast and there is no problem. There is something which blocks page onload and time to interactive is very long. I use LiteSpeed Cache, I also tested without cache and without others plugins and default theme.

Maybe something is wrong in my settings. Attached screenshots. What could be the problem?


Advanced.pngArchive : Shop.png

Ahmed Ehsaan

Hi Bartek,

I am the developer of this plugin, Could you add me here on Skype?

My Skype email address is: [email protected]

Please add me and say hi. I am waiting for you there to quickly squash your issue.
