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Swatches not visible on shop/archive page

Dear team,


I’ve updated the theme, the display of the variation swatches is not visible on shop page again. Can you assist please?



Tanvirul Haque

Hi Viktoria,

Could you send us the latest version of the main theme and must a child theme that you are using on your site. We’ll try to investigate your issue installing your theme on our local setup.

You can upload the theme file in Dropbox or Google drive and send the download link here directly.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you

Thanks for the quick reply. I’m using a standard worpress theme OceanWP version 2.0.7 (latest version)




Tanvirul Haque

Hello Viktoria Kallas,

Our one of the support member aware you about this https://prnt.sc/11owqda

Could you send us the oceanWP child theme which one we can use for the customization of your main theme without any broken?


There is a child theme installed, where the functionality is working. I’ve provided the login information.

Tanvirul Haque

Hello Viktoria Kallas,

Thanks for your co-operation. Could upload the theme & child theme files in Dropbox or Google Drive and send the download link here directly. We’ll try to investigate your issue installing your theme on our local setup.
