Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Variation Swatches-PRO

Grega Satler



I have some strange problem at Variation Swatches after woocomerce update.


Example product link:



Please see the picture


Hakik Zaman

Hi Grega,

Thanks for reaching to us. Changing image is not feature of our plugin, is the feature of WooCommerce itself.

Could you disable our swatches plugin and check is it working without our plugin or not?

Thank you

Grega Satler


After disable is problem still the same.

When you choose variation it change small picture not the big one as it was before 🙁

Hakik Zaman

Hello Grega Satler,

Really sorry for the inconvenience. In that case, this problem is not from our side.

WooCommerce recently released their new update. It may cause of this issue. Hopefully they will fix it ASAP.

By the way, stay safe and take care of your family. Hopefully, Covid-19 outbreak will end up soon.
