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Clickable variations

Nicla Marino

I am using Version 1.1.14 but I can’t get the color picker to work. I only get the colors to display in the Additional information tab as strings ( Color #1, Color #2), no picker, no swatch, nothing.

I am using Version 5.1.0 of Woocommerce. Am I missing something?

I am currently developing in local so I can’t share the access with you.  I attach a few screenshots hopefully it helps. I am currently using the default Sage9 theme, do I have to include the swatches via code?


Screenshot 2021-04-13 at 14.26.18.pngScreenshot 2021-04-13 at 14.26.10.png

Screenshot 2021-04-13 at 14.26.00.pngScreenshot 2021-04-13 at 14.25.25.png

Screenshot 2021-04-13 at 14.25.20.png