Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Phil Parker

Hi there.

Just purchased your plugin for variations swatches.

I have 2 issues I am struggling with.

the product image size has now gone to 177x177px but I want it to be 100% of the column width it sits in.

(I am using elementor Pro in Jupiter X).

It’s on all pages including standard product types:


What I need to understand is how I stop this from happening and remove the enlarge icon

From what I can tell it seems to be related to the .woo-variation-gallery-wrapper class, but even after disabling all the plugins (variation swatches), it has not reset back to how I originally had it, checking the Theme styling as well does not have any settings to set the product image to 177px so I am confused as to where it is being set and how to adjust it.

For total clarity I have a custom woo page built using JetWooBuilder For Elementor  and prior to installing your plugin I had everything styled right where I wanted it.

Appreciate any help you can offer.
