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Display variation swatches on shop page OceanWP theme

Hi, I’ve just purchased the premium version of your plugin. I would like to display the variation swatches on shop/archive page. I’ve checked the option “show swatches on archive/shop page”. Unfortunately the swatches are not displayed. I am using the OceanWP theme. Can you assist please?



Hakik Zaman

Hello Viktoria Kallas,

Thanks for reaching to us. Could you please check your shop/archive page now? Before checking please purge your cache and clear your browser cache also.

Please let me know, is it resolved or not.

By the way, stay safe and take care of your family. Hopefully, Covid-19 outbreak will end up soon.


Hi Hakik,

awesome! thank you for the quick reply and support, its working perfectly now! Have a great day!



Hakik Zaman

Hello Viktoria Kallas,

One thing you should know, you are using direct OceanWP. Once you update that theme your all customization (Like styling or any custom code) will not appear anymore. Therefore, you should use child theme of OceanWP.

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