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Variation swatch location shop loop


Works perfectly however, i want to place the swatches before the product title on the shop page. the before and after cart option does not change anything for me. is there a hook i can reposition?

Also i would like to use the colour of the swatch on the shop page, but the product image while on the product page.

any help is much appreciated.


Shahin Sid

Hello michael Higgins,

is there a hook i can reposition?

Unfortunately, this is not available.

Also i would like to use the colour of the swatch on the shop page, but the product image while on the product page.

Could you please explain a bit more? I am sorry that I could not get your query.

Thank you

is there a way to move its position outside of the settings? I want to move it high on my shop page:



Also, even though i have the display stock information setting off. It is still showing this for variant selection on shop page. any advice?

Shahin Sid

Hello michael Higgins,

Also, even though i have the display stock information setting off. It is still showing this for variant selection on shop page. any advice?

Could you please, share some screenshots?


Shahin Sid

Hello michael Higgins,

I think you are talking about this? : https://prnt.sc/11296fl

But this is not coming from our plugin. You can hide this text by using custom CSS.


Hi Shahin,

Thank You – I will look into it to see if it is my custom theme.

Is there a way on the shop page to only show 1 of the variants as a choice. In my instance, colour or bedsize rather than show both of them?


Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hello michael Higgins,

Could you please check this entire video. You can do it by yourself.
