Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Aywalys Enable one attribute

Mahmut Reis

Hello. We just bought Variation Swatches For Woocommerce plugin but we have two problems with it. Firstly we have 2 attributes for our products: Color and Size. We just want to change product image when customer click on color attribute (not both color and size selected at the same time).  Our second problem is lttle bit complex. We don’t want to disable color attribute even it has no available for some variations. For example lets say we have a product that has 2 colors (silver and black) and 3 different sizes (small, medium, large). But silver one doesn’t have large size while black one doesn’t have small. When we pick color silver and small size black goes to disable because it doesn’t have small size. We want to let the customer be able to pick color when he/she wants and just disable the size that color doesn’t have. How can we do this. I hope I could tell our problem.
