Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Problem with a licence


We have a problem with the license we just bought.

After trying the free version of “Additional Variation Images Gallery For WooCommerce” which we were fully satisfied with, we wanted to buy the pro license of “Additional Variation Images Gallery For WooCommerce” and when we clicked on “pro version” from the product page, we were tricked by a link redirecting us to the “Variation Swatches For WooCommerce” license.

Indeed, to purchase the pro version, we clicked on the link at the bottom of the page that says “pro version”. This redirected us to “Variation Swatches For WooCommerce” which is not the desired and expected version. However, when we click on the “documentation” link, we are redirected to the “Additional Variation Images Gallery For WooCommerce” documentation.

This redirection error that we did not identify immediately made us buy the wrong version.

As a result, we are asking you to modify our purchase to switch from “Variation Swatches For WooCommerce” to “Additional Variation Images Gallery For WooCommerce”.

See screenshot under.


This request is urgent because it turns out that we can no longer perform updates on our site.
Waiting for your answer.

Best regards


When we clicked here,




We don’t arrived at the right page, but to an another plugin.




But when we clicked on the documentation

Capture1pluginDocumentation Final.png



We arrived at the documentation for an another plugin that the one we arrived by clicking on the link just before.


Golam Kibria

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Will you please share your login details for our site?

We will switch your purchase from Swatches to Gallery PRO.

Thank You

We saw that you switch our purchase from “Variation Swatches For WooCommerce” to “Additional Variation Images Gallery For WooCommerce PRO” we thank you for that.

However, we do not have access to the download link to load the plugin on our site.
When we try to download the PRO Version, the sentence : “Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file Go to shop” appears. Even though we haven’t used it once.

Sorry but, we do not want to give you our login details for our site because we only going to use two acces for now and the others later and we want to be independent on that.

Can you please fix this problem as quickly as possible ?

Waiting for your answer.

Best regards

Ahmed Ehsaan

Could you check now?