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Display bug / Salient theme


We have a problem with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

We use Salient Theme.

The product page is OK (https://stockmonstre.impaakt.fr/produit/montre-daniel-klein-femme-noir-2/), but the preview of product on the home page has a graphic bug (a large grey circle : please check image sender or see this page : https://stockmonstre.impaakt.fr)

You can log on site here :

Log : [email protected]
Passwd : &0djHTszhaj8(ipS

I tried a lot of configurations but I cannot resolve the problem… Can you put an eye on it ?

Thank you !Capture d’écran 2021-03-11 à 09.49.39.png



Hi Shahin

Thank you very much for your help !

In state, swatches are misplaced (non aligned with text), on the edge of white square (cf screenshot), and visible before rollover (although it must be visible only on rollover), and it is not very convincing…

If it is impossible to align correctly the swatches, is it possible to not display colors swatches on the product preview ?

Can you help me a last time please ?

Thank you !