Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

product image that change

matteo arce

good morning staff!

i added three colors for one product

I would however like the
product image also changes as main image.
and not just as a miniature
it's possible?

I could do it by variations
but changing the image for each product and for each size is really too long: /
thank you so much


Schermata 2021-03-08 alle 21.17.45.pngSchermata 2021-03-08 alle 21.18.40.png

Golam Kibria

Hi Matteo,

Did you try the special attribute feature? With this feature, you can change the image with just one attribute.

Also, can you please give us temporary admin access to your site? We’ll try to create a demo for you.

You can add new users by going to Users > Add New set the user and password for us, set the role to admin, and set the info here.

And add your site URL, login username, and password in the site login area. Follow this guideline: https://www.useloom.com/share/27c1f2ac633c4060b2da883d946107d7

Hope to hear from you soon!

Golam Kibria

Hi Matteo,

I am sorry that you will need the premium version for this.

The special attribute feature is reserved for the premium version.

Please let me know your decision.

Thank You

matteo arce

do you understand what I need? if i buy plugin premium, do we solve?

change color in the switch, change color in main image —> https://ibb.co/y4zqCpJ

and it will always be the same picture for all shoe sizes (without having to change image size by size)


thank you so much


Golam Kibria

Hi Matteo,

Yes, I have understood your requirement. You will be able to do it with the premium version.

Please purchase the plugin and notify me. I will help you with the setup.

Thank You