Hi Daniel,
Could you update your free and premium version of the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin? https://prnt.sc/10f28su
The current version of swatches plugins is the following.
Variation Swatches for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.1.12
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro – Version 1.1.12
Please make sure you are using the same version and let me know your reported issue has been fixed or not in this latest update?
Thank You
Variation Swatches not working after update to WP 5.6.2 and WooCommerce
Daniel Hartmann
Hello GetWooPlugins,
we use the Kona Theme for a WooCommerce Webshop. After trying to update the system (wp 5.6.2, kona 2.9 and WooCommerce 5.0.0) on a cloned dev server, we get Console errors and variation swatches dont work anymore.
Please log in and check whats happening. Landingpage promoted products work, but if you try a product page with color and size swatches, the swatches dont respond to any action.
Thanks in advance,