Ticket #75597
Hi Safari,
You can add more images with the premium version.
By default, the extra images are blurry when they are not focused.
Do you want to remove the blur effect?
Thank You
Hi Safari,
Add this CSS to your customizer:
.woo-variation-gallery-wrapper .wvg-gallery-thumbnail-image {
opacity: 1;
BTW, images are a little too blurry on your page.
Thank You
Thanks, other question:
If i would see the pictures
one above the other (link), not in the grid as in your example.
Is it possible to do this with this plugin? In premium version or with extra code.
I keep seeing blurry images, even removing opacity and blur.
Hi Safari,
Sorry for the delayed answer, we had a vacation.
The feature you asked for is not currently possible with our plugin.
I have visited your site but could not find the thumbnails?
Can you give us a page where we can perform more inspections?
Thank You
Question pre purchase PRO version
Safari Studio
I would like to upgrade to Pro,
however I see blurry images
Where am I wrong?
Please select 5.5 size