Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Plugin replacing other thumbnails on listing pages

David Queen

Hi Getwooplugins team,

We’re using your plugin for variation swatches and automatic image replacement in the slide, and have come across two situations recently that we’re hoping you can help with.

  1. First – we’re now on the latest version of the PRO variation swatches plugin (1.1.7).  Both free and paid portions are on the latest version available, but as of this update, image replacement is still broken, same issue as described in this thread: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/update-1-1-3-variations-not-clickable/page/3/
  2. Second – Prior to updating, when image replacement was working – we had an issue where other thumbnails on the page were being erroneously targeted for replacement on the page.  This includes a separate plugin’s addon image being swapped when it is not one of the slider thumbnails.An example of the behavior in question can be viewed at:


Regarding Problem #1 – 

I assume this is somewhat of an ongoing issue for your team based on the thread currently on the wordpress repository.  I have provided credentials to our site in case you want to trouble shoot it directly.

Regarding Problem #2 – 

Once image replacement is functional, is there a filter we can use to exclude thumbnails outside of the slider? Or can the variation swatch js target more specifically the thumbnails inside of the slide wrapper?

Hoping to continue using both your product, and the plugin in use for our warranty addon.  Thanks.


Shahin Sid

Hello David Queen,

Regarding Problem #1 – 

Please, try disabling this feature: https://prnt.sc/yhmwec

I hope your problem will be solved for now. We are working to fix the issue and hopefully release an update of the plugin soon. Thanks for allowing us some time.

Regarding Problem #2 – 

is there a filter we can use to exclude thumbnails outside of the slider?

Unfortunately, this is not possible right now.

David Queen

Hi Shamser,

Could you let me know which js file is used to provide the image swapping functionality…  I will see if I can keep a modified version of the file in our theme that more accurately targets the images in the slide.

Shahin Sid

Hello David Queen,

Please, update your Free and Pro plugins to the latest versions which is 1.1.8



David Queen

Hi Shamser,

We are on the latest version 1.1.8, but other images on the page continue to be swapped in addition to the images within the slide.  Here’s an example page where the image for the product addon (a warranty, handled by a separate plugin, Woocommerce Product Bundles):


I assume that the on page image swap is js based, so I am willing to take a look at the script and keep a modified version in my theme to prevent the above from occurring.

Tanvirul Haque

Hi David,

Could you update to the latest version of the WooCommerce plugin?

The current version of WooCommerce plugins is 5.0.0

Could you confirm us that your reported issue has been fixed or not in this latest update?

Thank You