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“Generate sharable url based on selected variation attributes” feature is interfering with adding to the cart

John Blick


The “Generate sharable URL based on selected variation attributes” feature in the Advanced Settings is interfering with adding products (with variations) to the cart from the individual products pages.

The error generates the message, “Please choose product options by visiting (then the product),” even though you are already on the correct page.

See here: https://prnt.sc/yf566u

Once disabled, adding to the cart function behaves as normal; so there is something interfering with that feature and Woocommerce.

Has anyone come across this issue?

Shahin Sid

Hello John Blick,

Please, try disabling this feature: https://prnt.sc/yhmwec

I hope your problem will be solved for now. We are working to fix the issue and hopefully release an update of the plugin soon.

Thanks for allowing us some time.


John Blick

Hi Shamser,

Thank you, I am aware of what feature is interfering with the add to cart function.

Yes, this does solve the problem but I am looking for a fix or a patch so I can continue to use this feature without issue in the future.


Shahin Sid

Hello John Blick,

Please, update your Free and Pro plugins to the latest versions which is 1.1.8
